Raspberry Vinegar

Put a pound of fine fruit into
a china bowl, and pour upon
it a quart of the best white
wine vinegar; next day
strain the liquor on a pound
of fresh raspberries, and the
following day do the same
but do not squeeze the fruit
only drain the liquor as dry
as you can from it. The last
time pass it through a canvas
previously wet with vinegar
to prevent waste. Put it into
a stone jar, with a pound
of sugar to every pint of juice
broken into large lumps
stir it when melted, then
put the jar into a sauce-
pan of water, or on a hot
hearth, then let it simmer
and skim it.
When cold bottle it.
Be careful not to use
no glazed or metal vessel
for it - the fruit with
an equal quantity of sugar
makes excellent raspberry
cakes without boiling.

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